Support the VCC
VCC has bee a self-funded Church since its fouding in 1957. All donations help support our ministry and we thank you for each one.
You may make a bank transfer to The Vienna Community Church:
VCC has been self-funded since its founding in 1957. All donations help support our ministry and we thank you for each one.
To make a bank transfer:
IBAN: AT 082 011 128 753 849 700 BIC: GIBAATWWXXX
US Taxpayers may make a tax deductible donation to the VCC by either writing a check out to the American & Foreign Christian Union (AFCU) with Vienna Community Church on the Memo line and place it in the offering basket, or alternatively, write the check to the AFCU and send to the AFCU Treasurer, 2885 Sanford Ave, SW #29934, Grandville, MI 49418, U.S.A..
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