VCC Voice May 21 2015

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Last Sunday’s beautiful flowers were donated by Sita Weinrich. [F.l.t.r.: Ardith Meier, Christian Mund (Vice-Moderator) and Mickela Moore (Property Chair)]

Visit From The U.S.

Visit from the U.S.
Ardith Meier, former VCC member in the years 1981 to 92, now in Iowa, regular visitor to Vienna in spring, attended our congregation’s worship service last Sunday. [F.l.t.r.: Ardith Meier, Christian Mund (Vice-Moderator) and Mickela Moore (Property Chair)]

Photocredits: Rainer Zimmermann


Call For Food Contributions For Open House/Fellowship Hour!

We are organising an Open House/Fellowship Hour at VCC’s new meeting space at Untere Donaustraße 39/3, 1020 for Sunday, 31 May immediately following the Church Service. Contributions of food, drinks and willing hands are needed. For contributions, please contact Ruby John for details:

Invitation To Open House/Fellowship Hour

Open House Fellowship
Open House Fellowship


Ladies News

Dear Ladies:

Vera Saunders has volunteered to host our May luncheon at a Greek Restaurant. For those of you who joined us for her choice in April you know you are in for a very good dining experience for our coming luncheon.

Griechisches Restaurant Athene is in the 19th district, Grinzingerstrasse 71/73. They serve large portions of delicious Greek food at affordable prices. As their website isn’t up-to-date, they suggest the following dishes listed in their current menu of the day: Mousaka served with potatoes, onions and tomatoes topped with a crispy Bechamel sauce (7.50 euros). Also Gyros Spezial – pork strips with cheese in Metaxasauce (8.50 euros). Their menu of the day consists of soup, a main course and a salad. They also recommend No. 17 — pancakes filled with spinach, which is not on their menu of the day. This costs 7.50 euros. In addition, they have vegetarian dishes.

Weather permitting, we’ll sit in their lovely garden.

Do join us as this restaurant is truly a delight.
Reservation deadline is Wednesday, May 27th.

Transportation Tips

All roads lead to Athens! However, the simplest route is to take the U4 to Heiligenstadt. Then the 38a bus to Neugebauerweg (4th stop). Another way is by the D tram. Get off where it crosses with the 38a in the Grinzing direction.

So, please ladies contact Vera soonest with your reservations and with any questions regarding this restaurant.

kind regards,

Save The Dates!

Sandra Nel and Prentiss Dunn are organising a musical programme, including the VCC Choir.

Lange Nacht Der Kirchen 2015
Lange Nacht Der Kirchen 2015

When: 29 May 2015
Time: 18:00-18:45
Where: Dorotheergasse 16, 1010

What: 2nd Performance
Time: 20:00-20:45
Where: VCC’s Meeting Point
Untere Donaustraße 39/3



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Donec et mi molestie, bibendum metus et, vulputate enim. Duis congue varius interdum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque et faucibus enim. Quisque sagittis turpis neque. Quisque commodo quam sed arcu hendrerit, id varius mauris accumsan.

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