VCC Member, Nicole Wrixon, will be opening her next photo exhibition, Evanescence, at VHS Hietzing on 29 September 2015 at 18:30/6:30pm, Hofwiesengasse 48, 1130 Vienna. The Exhibition will last until 22 October 2015. Come out and support Nicole!
VCC Member, Nicole Wrixon, will be opening her next photo exhibition, Evanescence, at VHS Hietzing on 29 September 2015 at 18:30/6:30pm, Hofwiesengasse 48, 1130 Vienna. The Exhibition will last until 22 October 2015. Come out and support Nicole!
Donec et mi molestie, bibendum metus et, vulputate enim. Duis congue varius interdum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque et faucibus enim. Quisque sagittis turpis neque. Quisque commodo quam sed arcu hendrerit, id varius mauris accumsan.
13-07.2016 – young adults 13-07.2016-DCorcoran Recitald 13.07.2016 13.07.2016 – baptism 13.07.2016–2016 board 13.07.2016-children 13.07.2016-inside church 13.07.2016-Mary Geissler 13.07.2016-Masa&family 13.07.2016-MG&Pastor 13.07.2016-Rainer 13.07.2016-Vargheses 18.09.2015 25 September Voice 30.09.2016 Baby Matthew Board Brunch 16.04.2016 Board Meeting 12.09.2016 Board Mtg 18.07.2016 Capital Funding Report July 2016 Choir Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal 07 Nov 2015 Choir Rehearsal 28 Nov 2015 college&career David Corcoran Recital 26 June 2016 December Easter Sunday 27.03.2016 Extended Choir Rehearsal 05.06.2016 Gail Stewart House Concert Getting to Know You July 2016 Homecoming Sunday 24.09.2016 Installation 09.10.2016 Irish Blessing Joint Bible Study 10.03.2016 June Ladies' Coffee-11.10.2016 Ladies' Coffee 08.03.2016 Ladies' Coffee 12.04.2016 Ladies' Luncheon 18.03.2016 Ladies Luncheon 29.04.2016 Ladies Who Lunch Ladies Who Lunch 28.10.2016 November October Property Corner Psalmenchor 26.11.2015 Rainer's Art Nouveau Tour Rathausplatz August 2016 VCC Board Meeting 13.06.2016 VCC Choir 13 Dec 2015 VCC Homecoming Passage Carousel VCC Young Adults Wednesday Weekly Meeting Young Adults